Sunday, September 30, 2012

What Happen After?

By Raul Manzano

Raya Dunayevskaya’s life experience from Russia’s revolution to the Jewish and Black ghettos in Chicago transformed her. From being an illiterate person to becoming and activist and intellectual and a fighter for women’s rights and liberation. She adopted Marx theories, defended them and was a spokesperson. According to Addrienne Rich “Dunayevskaya believes [Marx] is the only philosopher of ‘total revolution, the revolution that will touch and transform all human relationships, that is never-ending, revolution in permanence” (93). Unfortunately as she pointed out, post Marxist corrupted Marx ideas transforming them to their own benefit, as did Stalin and later Fidel Castro’s Communism.


Dunayevskaya’s question “what happen after?” is the core of her work when tyrannies and or capitalism fail, What kind of society are we to create? While The Soviet Union experienced the fall of Communism and embarking on new entrepreneurship under capitalism influence, it has yet to prove a more concrete outcome what type of society they are to establish. In the America’s hemisphere, Cuba’s Communism scratches everywhere it can to hold onto and preserve their oppressive government further exporting it to other third world countries in Central and South America where poverty and hunger are a seed for Communism. While the United States has failed to pay attention to Latin American problems, labor exploitation, discrimination, female abuses and freedom in this part of the continent would continue to rise. Raya Dunayevskaya’s vision of  “how it would feel” (97) to be and experience humanity is a dream many can only envision on book pages and the thoughts of the writers.


Rich, Adrienne. Arts of the Possible. London: Norton. 2001. Print.

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